5 Skincare Myths to Avoid

With information being so accessible, it can be easy to be swayed by a lot of misinformation. If you find it overwhelming to differentiate what information to listen to and what to ignore, we've got the perfect list for you! While you should always consult a doctor or dermatologist (especially for serious skin concerns) these are some common skincare myths to avoid.

Myth #1: A burning sensation just means the product is working.

Fact: We're often told "beauty is pain," but this doesn't apply to skincare products. Some products may leave a slight tingling sensation, which can be normal. However, if your skin starts to burn or sting remove the product immediately. These sensations are not normal and are usually signs of an allergic reaction. The product may also be too potent for your skin!

skincare, face mask, irritated skin

Myth #2: Using makeup that contains SPF is enough to protect your skin. 

Fact: The SPF that is found in most makeup products only protects you from UVA rays. Additionally, you would need to apply a large amount of makeup to get the actual SPF protection; the re-application process would be difficult and feel heavy on the skin. Using a broad-spectrum sunscreen is the best way to adequately protect your skin from both UVA and UVB rays.

Click here to learn more about SPF!

makeup, skincare

Myth #3: Drinking water gives you clear skin.

Fact: While there are many benefits to staying hydrated, drinking water alone will not give you glass skin. Research on the relationship between water intake and acne is limited, studies show that it may help support skin health, but there is no definitive research that supports the claim that water clears up acne. Having a solid skincare routine and using treatment (consult your dermatologist first) is the most important step to getting clear skin.

girl drinking water

Myth #4: Having acne just means that your skin is dirty.

Fact: Despite being such a common skin condition, there is a lot of misinformation regarding acne. Acne is not caused by dirty skin or poor hygiene. Acne is caused by a variety of factors such as hormones, using harsh soaps or chemicals, genetics, diet, etc. 

acne, skincare

Myth #5: Anti-aging products are only for mature skin.

Fact: Anti-aging products are not only for people in their 30s, 40s, 50s, etc. Research shows that the aging process starts as early as 21 years old. If you want to maintain that youthful glow, using anti-aging products in your 20s is a great way to preserve the skin and prevent early signs of aging. 

gua sha, skincare, anti-aging, face massage

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