Featured: Meet the Sollalla Founder

At BAZZAAL we have the pleasure of collaborating with various cosmetic brands, each with its own story and unique products. Through these collaborations, BAZZAAL has acquired behind the scenes details. Have you ever wondered how your favorite brand(s) started? BAZZAAL is bringing you an inside look at your favorite brands and the founders who made it all possible!

sollalla, skincare, korean skincare,kbeauty

Sollalla is a Korean skincare company, founded in 2021. Sollalla believes having a good skincare routine is an essential part of life and shouldn't be complicated. Their products are clean, effective, and free from any harmful ingredients. Sollalla hopes to help consumers achieve healthy skin and bring them joy through skincare!

We had the pleasure of interviewing the founder of Sollalla, Chrison Cho, to learn more about his background and the brand. 

You have an extensive background in the skincare industry (over 10 years), what made you want to finally start your own brand?

During the 10+ years, I worked in the K-beauty industry, I got to try various domestic and global skincare products. Despite trying so many products, I couldn't find any that were suitable for my skin. Every product has its pros, but it was not exactly what I wanted. Eventually, I realized I needed to launch my brand. 

What’s the most important or interesting thing you learned while working in the skincare industry? How did this knowledge impact your brand?

I learned that skincare ingredients have a huge impact on our lives, not just our skin. Among those ingredients, Vitamins became very important to me. That’s why I decided to make skincare products that contain Vitamins. 

sollalla, skincare, korean skincare, vitamins

What is the meaning behind the brand’s name, Sollalla?

I created the word “Sollalla.” It represents a humming sound to express the feelings of joy and excitement when we apply skincare products to our skin to start our day, date our lovers, or have an important appointment.

“Good Skin also brings joy in life” is one of the slogans for the brand, could you elaborate on what this means for you?

"Joy" might also mean "confident". When I have good skin, I feel more confident and I live my life more actively. As a result, I think good and healthy skin gives you some positive effects. 

You’ve previously spoken about going from having perfect skin to struggling with breakouts and acne scars. Do you have any advice for people going through a similar experience? 

Recently, I’ve realized the importance of what we eat. It’s a key factor to making our skin healthier. I saw an episode of a famous Korean singer who visited a hospital to check what type of food worked for his health. He changed what he ate every day; his health and skin improved a lot. Ever since changing what I eat, my skin has improved drastically. Based on this experience, I tried to have good ingredients in Sollalla products. 

You spent time backpacking through Europe and have tried skincare from all over the world. What would you say is the biggest difference between western skincare and Korean skincare?

There is a certain characteristic that global skincare products have when it comes to ingredients. For example, a Vitamin C serum contains high amounts of Vitamin C to maximize its effect. This might be a selling point for customers, but if the ingredient(s) is not working on your skin, it could be a serious problem. Korean skincare products are focusing on ingredients more and more. However, I think it might be more important to figure out the ideal ratio of ingredients.

All Sollalla products are formulated without the use of 10 ingredients such as animal ingredients, silicone, perfume, sulfates, and more. Why was this important for you?

Most skincare products are made with harsh chemicals. This is because, during the manufacturing process, harmful ingredients are added to extend their shelf life. It’s time to make our skin healthier! Without the use of these 10 harmful ingredients, skincare products become more sincere and beneficial to our lives.

The Sollalla Multi Vitamin C Serum is a fan-favorite, why do you think so many people have fallen in love with this product?

Vitamin C serums have become very common these days, but they tend to be irritating because of the high percentage of Vitamin C. The Sollalla Multi-Vitamin C serum is higher in Kakadu plum extract than pure Vitamin C so it soothes your skin as well. I think this might be one of the reasons. 

sollalla vitamin c, skincare, korean skincare

What product(s) from Sollalla would you recommend to skincare beginners?

All Sollalla products are highly recommended! If I could only recommend one product, I would recommend the Multi-Vitamin B cream. 

You have tested hundreds of formulas and tried many different brands. What is your favorite skincare ingredient?

I love Niacinamide and Panthenol, which are Vitamin B ingredients. When I tested various skincare products and checked their ingredients, I could find Niacinamide and Panthenol, without a doubt. I think Vitamin B ingredients are effective at making our skin healthier and more beautiful. 

Are there any new products coming soon?

Sollalla is planning to launch two new products - sunscreen and a Vitamin A cream in 2023. I received a lot of inquiries about those products from retailers and customers, I also look forward to them.

sollalla skincare, korean skincare, vitamins, clean beauty, kbeauty

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