K-Trend: Yoghurt and Yoghurt Bowls in Korea

Yoghurt and yoghurt bowls

Do you love yoghurt? In need of some probiotics? Can you stomach dairy? On a health craze? You’re in luck, yoghurt is gaining traction in Korea!

Only one or two years ago you’d have trouble finding any type of unsweetened yoghurt or non-dairy options in the supermarkets here, but now even instagram is showing advertisements of greek yoghurts and oat milks. And the cafes have followed too. Although we have seen some unconventional creations (avocado in yoghurt is something we’ll have to try before judging) there are cafes that serve seasonal yoghurt bowls and change their menu every two or three months. People are starting to make their own granola too! We’re excited and crossing our fingers acai bowls will come up next! So put those gut bacteria of yours to work and get yourself some yoghurt! 

Thanks, Oat
MND Coffee
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